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B-17 sighting

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:32 pm
by Cadillac_of_the_Sky
I sent this message to the "info" email address, so pardon the repeat anyone...

I was in Orlando today, visiting a park. As my wife and I were
leaving I heard a destintive prop sound. Living in Maryland most of my
life, I knew the sound of C-130's pretty good. And before I looked up,
I knew it wasn't a C-130. As I looked up I was amazed to see it was a
B-17. My wife wipped out the camera as soon as she could, and snapped
a photo. I had a photo attached to the email, but it wasn't much help.
I'm curious to find out which B-17 it was.
I knew that they have a few warbird museums south of here in the Kissemme area. But after looking at your site and a few other B-17 sites, I couldn't find any that were in the Florida area at this time. I remember two sets of star and stripes,
one on each wing. And when I look at the picture, I want to say the
tail looks to be painted yellow. I'd appreaciate any help in finding
out which one it was.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:42 am
by DryMartini

Well, "Fuddy Duddy" has an all yellow vertical stab, but right now
should be in California on tour for the EAA. Check out
for info on that.

"Liberty Belle" is probably the plane you saw. It has a yellow
rudder, and is in the Florida area getting the bugs worked out.

B-17 sighting

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:50 am
by Cadillac_of_the_Sky
Yeah, I think it was Liberty Belle. I got an email from Scott telling me that it is sometime based in Kissimmee, as well as Georgia. I appreciate the help though. Does anyone else get that emotional feeling when you see and hear these beautiful planes fly? My wife thinks its weird that I feelt that way about plane. :)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:59 am
by DryMartini

Speaking from experience, the feeling is intensified once
you've taken a ride in one.

After that, you start looking for B-17s to restore.

Posted: Mon May 02, 2005 5:28 pm
by Roger Cain
Fuddy Duddy will be at Watsonville Airport next weekend. A week ago we had the CAF's Sentimental Journey at Half Moon Bay. Two B-17's flying in Northern CA currently. Wohoo :D