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Air Classics article: B-17G N7712M

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 7:09 am
by aerovin2
In the October 2022 issue of Air Classics is an article I did that pulls together as much information as possible about the fourth Israeli B-17G...the one that ended up being seized at Santa Maria in July 1948 on its way to join the 1948 Israeli war for independence. Three other B-17s were exported in June 1948 to form the basis of the Israeli bomber force, but the fourth never made it. This was B-17G 44-85764 and it carried the bogus civil registration of NL7712M on its tail when impounded on July 18, 1948.


It is an intriguing and admittedly obscure story. For anyone interested, the issue is available directly from Challenge Publications by calling 818-700-6868 or at (though the website has not yet been updated to the current issue). Though the opening spread color photo is not directly related to the story, it is a great photo of a combat veteran B-17G. We took a lot of time to try and find any photos of the new B-17s in storage at Altus, OK, in the post-war period...there were at least a hundred brand new B-17s there...but came up empty. 44-85764 was one of those Altus B-17s, as were most of the post-war surplus B-17s that made it to the civil world. If anyone is aware of on-the-ground photos of those new B-17s at Altus, I'd sure like to see them.


Re: Air Classics article: B-17G N7712M

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:39 am
by terveurn
Going to add a couple other wants as well

I would love to see the brand new B-17's in storage at Syracuse AAF before they were ferried to the permanent storage yards

I have only seen one photo of B-17's at South Plains AAF