B-17G N3703G “The Movie Memphis Belle” Moves to Palm Springs
As widely reported elsewhere but nonetheless reported here, B-17G 44-83546 (N3703G), also known as the Movie Memphis Belle, has been moved by its owner, the Military Aircraft Restoration Corp, (MARC) from its former home at Geneseo, New York, to Palm Springs, California. The airplane will be displayed for the time being at the Palm Springs Air Museum. Details remain sketchy, but the airplane may receive some heavy maintenance at nearby Chino as well as being available on static display at Palm Springs. There is no indication the airplane has changed hands; it appears to be another move for the vagabond B-17 that has seen display bases at Farmingdale, New York, Madras, Oregon, as well as Geneseo over the past two decades, all the while remaining under the ownership of MARC. MARC, for those too young to remember, was the umbrella organization for the late David Tallichet’s aerial fleet. N3703G joins B-17G 44-85778 (N3509G), perhaps better known as Miss Angela, that is also on display at the Palm Springs Air Museum. N3703G was delivered to the Palm Spring Air Museum on Saturday, November 13, 2021. Another B-17 to watch with interest to see where it eventually ends up. The number of operational B-17s able to earn their keep and thus keep them airworthy is becoming fewer and fewer. The complete history with photos of this airplane can be found in Final Cut (5th Edition), found right here on this website.