Aero Vintage Books

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The B-17 Locator: Surviving B-17 Flying Fortresses

Summary Table of Surviving B-17s

Operational (Flying)3
Long Term Maintenance back to Operational5
Under Restoration or Rebuild to Operational3
Under Restoration to Static Display1
Static Display (near airworthy)3
Static Display (grounded)24
In Storage7
Total Complete Airframes46
Current U.S. Civil Registered B-17s18

This listing provides a compilation of surviving B-17s. Currently, there are forty-six intact, recovered B-17 airframes in this wide-world. Of these, four are currently operational. Of these four, however, one (Yankee Lady) is soon to be grounded for disassembly and a long-term rebuild. Four other B-17s are under long-term maintenance to bring them back to airworthy condition (one of which should be flying again in November 2024). Five B-17s are under some form of restoration. Another twenty-four are on static display and available for public viewing. Several of those have been flyable in the past few years, but appear to be grounded now for various reasons. Finally, seven B-17s are in storage for one reason or another. 

And, I’ll add that the book Final Cut: The Post-War B-17 Flying Fortress and Survivors, available right here on this website, has the in-depth story of each of the 48 B-17 survivors (2018 B-17 count at publication…since then, we’ve tragically lost two B-17s), told both with text and photos. And, there is so much more contained in its 288 pages that you won’t find anywhere else. If you are a B-17 guy or gal, you need to check out the book.

Location and Status of Surviving B-17s

CountryStateCityLocationSeriesIdentification SequenceStatusRemarksPhoto Link
BrazilRecifeBase Area de RecifeB-17G44-85583, FAB 5402Static display
B-17G 44-85583
December 2003 photo by Andre Dias de Albuquerque (used with permission)
BrazilRio de JanieroMuseuo AerospacialB-17G44-83718, FAB 5408Storage; disassembled
B-17G 44-83718
April 2001 photo by Ricardo Hebmuller
FranceAlaisLa FertéAmicale Jean-Baptiste Salis Aérodrome de CernyB-17G44-8846, F-BGSP, ZS-DXM, F-BGSP, F-AZDXStatic display Mother and Country/Pink Lady
B-17G 44-8846
Photo via Forteresse toujours volante Association
France ParisMusee de l'AirB-17G44-8889, F-BGSOStorage
Photo by James Kightly

UKDuxfordAmerican Air MuseumB-17G44-83735, N68269, F-BDRSStatic display
B-17G 44-83735
September 2015 Photo by Phil Glover
UKDuxfordB-17 PreservationB-17G44-85784, F-BGSR, N17TE, G-BEDFOperationalSally-B
B-17G 44-85784
May 2015 photo by Phil Glover
UKHendonBomber Command MuseumB-17G44-83868, PB-1W 77233, N6466D, N5237VStatic display
November 2015 photo by Phil Glover
USAAZMesaCAF, Falcon FieldB-17G44-83514, N9323ZOperationalSentimental Journey
B-17G 44-83514
May 2014 photo by Roger Cain
USAAZTucson390th Museum, Pima Air MuseumB-17G44-85828, PB-1G 77254, N9323RStatic displayI'll Be Around
B-17G 44-85828
August 2008 photo by Scott Thompson
USACAAtwaterCastle Air MuseumB-17G43-38635, N3702GStatic displayVirgin's Delight
B-17G 43-38635
August 2017 photo by Scott Thompson
USACAChinoPlanes of FameB-17G44-83684, N3713GStatic displayKismet
May 2022 photo by Scott Thompson
USACALos AngelesCalifornia Air Heritage FoundationB-17G44-83387Under restoration to staticParts of 44-83316, 44-85643, 42-30681, and 44-83387
B-17G 44-83387
2017 photo by Bruce Orriss
USACAPalm SpringsPalm Springs Air MuseumB-17G44-85778, N3509GStatic display-near airworthyMiss AngelaB-17G 44-85778
USACAPalm SpringsPalm Springs Air MuseumB-17G44-83546, N3703GMaintenance back to operational Memphis Belle
B-17G 44-83546
2021 photo by Michael O'Leary.
USACARiversideMarch Field MuseumB-17G44-6393, CP-627, CP-891Static displayStardusterB-17G 44-6393
USACASanta AnaMartin AviationB-17G44-83563, N9563ZStatic display-near airworthyFuddy Duddy
2014 photo by Roger Cain
USACATulareAlong Highway 99B-17G44-85738Static display
B-17G 44-85738
May 2022 photo by Scott Thompson
USADEDoverAMC Museum, Dover AFBB-17G44-83624Static displaySleepy Time GalB-17G 44-83624
USAFLNew Smyrna BeachCollings FoundationB-17G44-83785, N809Z, N207EVLong term maintenance back to Operational at New Smyrna Beach, FLB-17G 44-83785
USAFLPolk CityFantasy of FlightB-17G44-83525, N4520(ntu), N83525Storage
B-17G 44-83525
2014 photo by Trevor McTavish
USAFLPolk CityFantasy of FlightB-17G44-83542, N9324ZStatic displayPicadilly PrincessB-17G 44-83542
USAFLValparaisoArmament Museum, Eglin AFBB-17G44-83863, PB-1W 77231, N6464D, N5233VStatic display
B-17G 44-83863
February 2016 photo by Douglas Birkey
USAGADouglasLiberty FoundationB-17G44-83790StorageRecovered from Labrador, August 2004
B-17G 44-83790
September 2017 photo by Scott Thompson
USAGADouglasLiberty FoundationB-17G44-85734, N5111N, N390THUnder rebuild to operationalLiberty Belle
Left inner wing panel from 42-32076; right inner wing panel from 44-83790
B-17G 44-85734
October 2021 photo of aft fuselage under rebuild at Asheville, NC.
USAGASavannahMighty Eighth Air Force MuseumB-17G44-83814, N66571, CF-HBP, N66571Static displayCity of Savannah
B-17G 44-83814
September 2017 photo by Scott Thompson
USAGAWarner-RobinsMuseum of AviationB-17G44-83690Static display
B-17G 44-83690
July 2021 photo by Tim Bivens
USAHIFord IslandPacific Aviation MuseumB-17E41-2446Static displaySwamp Ghost
B-17E 41-2446
September 2016 photo by Tim Bivens
USAILMarengoB-17E41-2595, XC-108Under restoration to operationalDesert Rat
B-17E 41-2595
September 2017 photo by Ryan Lucas
USALABossier CityBarksdale AFBB-17G44-83884, PB-1W 77244, N6471D, N5230VStatic displayMiss Liberty
B-17G 44-83884
October 2013 photo by Bruce Leibowitz (used with permission)
USALANew OrleansNational World War II MuseumB-17E41-9032Static displayMy Gal Sal
B-17E 41-9032
May 2016 photo by Tim Bivens
USANEOmahaOffutt AFBB-17F42-3374Static displayHomesick Angel
B-17F 42-3374
February 2014 photo by Chris Henry
USANEAshlandStrategic Air and Space MuseumDB-17P44-83559Static display
B-17G 44-83559
February 2014 photo by Chris Henry
USAOHDaytonNational Museum of the USAFB-17D40-3097Disassembled storage
The Swoose
B-17D 40-3097
March 2013 photo by Steve Nelson
USAOHDaytonNational Museum of the USAFB-17F41-24485Static DisplayMemphis Belle
B-17F 41-24485
Photo via NMUSAF
USAOHUrbanaB-17 ProjectB-17G44-85813, N6694C, N3154SUnder restoration to operationalChampaign LadyB-17G 44-85813
USAORMadrasErickson Aircraft CollectonB-17G44-8543, N3701G OperationalYe Olde Pub
May 2023 photo by Scott Thompson
USAORMadrasCharles Somers aircraft collectionB-17G44-85829, PB-1G 77255, N3193GUnder long term restoration and maintenance to operationalex Yankee Lady B-17G 44-85829
USAORMadrasMid America Flight MuseumB-17G44-85718, F-BEEC, ZS-EEC, G-FORT, N900RWLong term maintenance back to Operational at Madras, ORex Thunderbird; now We The People
May 2023 photo by Scott Thompson
USAORSalemB-17 Alliance FoundationB-17G44-85790Under restoration to operationalLacey Lady
May 2023 photo by Scott Thompson
USATXAbileneDyess AFBB-17G44-85599Static displayReluctant Dragon
B-17G 44-85599
August 2017 photo by Kedesha Pennant/USAF
USATXSan AntonioLackland AFBB-17G44-83512Static displayHeaven's Above
B-17G 44-83512
April 2012 photo by Dan Stroud
USAUTOgdenHill MuseumB-17G44-83663, FAB 5400, N47780Static displayShort Bier
B-17G 44-83663
August 2000 photo by William Villani
USAVADulles AirportNational Air and Space MuseumB-17G42-32076, SE-BAP, OY-DFA, DAF672, F-BGSHDisassembled static displayShoo Shoo Baby
June 2024 photo by Richard Bowman
USAWAArlingtonFlying Heritage CollectionB-17E41-9210, N5842N, CF-ICB, N9720F, CP-753, N8WJ, N12355Disassembled storageReported for sale
B-17E 41-9210
Photo via Platinum Aircraft Sales
USAWASeattleMuseum of FlightB-17F42-29782, N6015V, N17WStatic displayBoeing Bee
B-17F 42-29782
August 2017 photo by Scott Thompson
USAWIOshkoshExperimental Aircraft AssociationB-17G44-85740, N5017NStatic display (for now); near operationalAluminum Overcast
B-17G 44-85740
photo by Brady Lane/EAA (Used with permission)

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