B-17E (and XC-108A) 41-2595 Desert Rat
History of 41-2595
(Happily adapted from material in Final Cut: The Post-War B-17 Flying Fortress)
Initial Service of B-17E 41-2595
B-17E s/n 41-2595 was the 203rd B-17E built by Boeing at Seattle, and was delivered to the AAF on April 14, 1942. It was immediately placed into the training role, being first assigned to the 97th Bomb Group at MacDill Field, near Tampa, Florida. The 97th BG had been activated on February 3, 1942, at MacDill, so 41-2595 was one of the early assigned aircraft. The new group moved to Sarasota AAF, Florida, the following month, and 41-2595 followed along. The 97th went overseas in May (and flew the first 8th Air Force mission three months later), while 41-2595 was reassigned to MacDill for continued assignment to training. In September 1942 it was reassigned to another major B-17 bomber training base, Walla Walla, Washington. It spent the next nine months assigned to various B-17 training bases, ending at Ainsworth AAF, Nebraska, in February 1943. In March 1943, it was assigned to Wright Field at Dayton, Ohio, and evidently used as a transport. In August 1943 it was assigned to the XC-108 program.
See for yourself the history of B-17 41-2595 as recorded on the AAF aircraft record cards.
The C-108 Program
The C-108 designation was initially assigned to various transport conversions of the B-17. The designation was made when the AAF was applying new designations for modified aircraft instead of applying a type prefix, the CB-17 being used later. The C-109 designation was similarly applied to B-24 modifications. For the C-108, there was no particular standard. There were a total of four B-17s designated as C-108s: the XC-108 was sistership s/n 41-2593 modified by Boeing for use as a transport for Gen. Douglas MacArthur, it becoming the first of several Bataans. The YC-108 was s/n 42-6036 and was modified with a VIP interior and used as Gen. Dwight Eisenhower’s personal transport. (See also this story of the YC-108.) The XC-108B was s/n 42-30190, and was used to test the use of the B-17 design as a fuel tanker. Finally, the XC-108A, s/n 41-2595, was a modification to determine the suitability of the B-17 design for use as a transport. Whereas the modification work for the XC-108 (for MacArthur) was done by Boeing, the other three were done by the Fairfield Air Service Command at Patterson Field, Ohio.
The XC-108A
41-2595 was brought into the C-108 program on August 17, 1943, becoming the XC-108A in a conversion completed by March 1944. The primary modifications all centered on making the Fortress into a standard transport type capable of carrying troops, large cargo, or injured personnel in a evacuation capacity. Armor and armament was stripped from the bomber. The interior arrangement was reworked, with the radio operator and navigator moving into the cockpit behind the pilots where the top turret had once been positioned. The nose compartment was rebuilt to provide for cargo, litter, or troop transport, access being gained by either the crawlway under the cockpit or a solid, hinged nose piece that replaced the built-up frame and glass assembly of a standard B-17E. The bomb-bay doors were sealed and the bulkhead between the bomb-bay and what had been the radio-compartment was opened up. The bulkhead between the radio compartment and the waist area was removed. Provisions for litters, cargo, or troop-transport were installed in both the former bomb-bay and the aft fuselage. A large, upward-hinging cargo door was installed in the left waist position to ease loading and unloading operations. After initial testing was completed at Wright Field, the XC-108A was slated for an operational test in India ferrying men and equipment over the Hump into China. Though deemed ready for service in early March 1944, 41-2595 would develop continual engine problems that apparently plagued it through its entire test period. Whether this was primarily due to the state of the engines on the airframe, or the different operating conditions required by the airplane’s new mission is open to question, but things started off poorly when initial engine difficulties required a week delay in the aircraft’s departure as required engine maintenance was performed.

Service Test of XC-108A 41-2595
In late March 1944 the airplane left for India, its planned ferry route taking it through the Caribbean to South America, across to Africa and northeastward to India. Carrying a four man ferry crew and two passengers, the plane loaded up in Miami for the hop to Puerto Rico but again developed engine difficulties. As the plane was in a test series, maintenance had to be coordinated through Wright Field that only slowed repairs. After stopping in Puerto Rico, the flight continued to Belem, Brazil. Four hours out of Belem, and over the jungles of northeastern Brazil, engine number three caught fire. The engine was shut down, but efforts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful and it continued to smolder. The pilot gave permission to anyone who wanted to bail out, but the foreboding jungle no doubt gave everyone second thoughts about that option, and all decided to stay with the C-108 as long as possible. The pilot nursed the plane to Belem and a successful landing, with the crew chief and a passenger jumping from the plane with fire extinguishers as it rolled to a stop on the runway. Repairs took another week before the crew made the trans-Atlantic hop to the Ascension Islands, followed by a leg to Accra in present day Ghana. More engine difficulties ensued there, causing extensive delays and resulted in the ferry flight stretching to almost eight weeks.
Transcript of a letter from Col. Robert Bowman and his recollections of the XC-108A deployment
After finally arriving, the XC-108A was operationally based at Chabua in India, though details of its actual use are not available. One would suspect, however, that given the difficulties of the ferry flight and the altitudes involved in transporting material into China, the XC-108A was not successful. In any event, 41-2595 returned to the U.S. in October 1944 via the North Atlantic ferry route, arriving at Dow Field near Bangor, Maine, on October 18, 1944.
XC-108A 41-2595 Put to Use as a Transport
The aircraft was assigned to the 1379th Base Unit and put to use as a transport. Flight operations were conducted to Greenland and Newfoundland, as well as throughout the northeastern U.S. The military record card indicates 41-2595 was later assigned to the 147th Base Unit and the Continental Air Force, but apparently its duties remained the same.

One of the pilots assigned to fly s/n 41-2595 was Flight Officer Maurice F. Taylor, then assigned to the 1383rd AAF Base Unit at Goose Bay.
1988 letter from Maurice Taylor about him flying the XC-108A
AAF commendation to F/O Maurice Taylor about him flying the XC-108A
Excerpt from Maurice Taylor’s logbook from October 1945
The last operational flight of XC-108A s/n 41-2595 was conducted in mid-December 1945 and it was subsequently authorized for salvage at Dow Field and thought to have been broken up for scrap. However, the story of 41-2595 does not end here.
41-2595 Sold For Salvage
It would appear that the owner of an auto junk yard near Dow Field made a successful bid on 41-2595 for salvaging, as well as a B-25, a C-47, an O-47 Owl and who knows what else. He hauled his booty away to his junkyard and let his kids have at the old airplanes. The B-25 was cut up, drawn and quartered like a side of beef. The C-47 and O-47 suffered a similar fate. However, the B-17 was found too big and strong, and only suffered great gashes during initial efforts at disassembly. The nose was cut off forward of the cockpit and the tail section was cut into four pieces. The wings were damaged from the rear spar aft, and other parts suffered at the effort at scrapping. When the airplane was disassembled, the lower part of the cockpit section was crushed, as was the upper part of the nose section. The remains were then left to be swallowed up by an advancing forest of undergrowth and a receding memory.

The aircraft remained pretty well untouched until 1968. In that year a fellow restoring a B-25 in Massachusetts heard of the possibility of a B-25 airframe rotting in Maine. He and a crew of several men came looking for salvageable parts and found the XC-108 instead. The group was somewhat dismayed by the lack of a B-25, but decided to disassemble the B-17 and remove it instead. Without securing permission from anyone, they went ahead and de-mated the wings from the fuselage and then broke the fuselage into component parts. The engines, propellers, and landing gear were detached. As they began loading the material aboard the trucks, it was quickly determined that there was more airplane than available room. In the end, all that was taken were the engines, cowlings, landing gear, and propellers. The group disappeared into the sunset, but the components resurfaced in 1986 when an offer was made to the National Warplane Museum at Geneseo, New York, for the material in exchange for a few rides on the museum’s then B-17, 44-83563. The museum donated the rides, but the supposed donor disappeared again into the sunset, and hasn’t been seen since.
Mike Kellner Buys 41-2595
The second discovery of the XC-108A remains was made by Steve Alex of Bangor, Maine. In 1985 Alex purchased the remains from the two sons of the original owner, who had since passed away. Alex knew that Mike Kellner, a (then) thirty-year old vintage aircraft buff from Marengo, Illinois, was intent on getting a hold of a B-17 for restoration, and promptly resold the Fortress to him for $7,250.
The next part of the Desert Rat story tells of the amazing effort of Mike Kellner and his team to restore 41-2595.
Jump to the Restoration Page
See Below For How You Can Help!
Volunteers Needed
As can be seen, this restoration effort remains a monumental task. Mike Kellner and his small volunteer crew are devoted and spend many days each week working on the small pieces that gradually become the big pieces. As in any such restoration project, finances and labor are the challenges. If you live in the area around Marengo, Illinois, and that includes the greater Chicago and Rockford areas, and have some talent, experience, or just enthusiasm, Mike would like to talk to you. Many parts have to be created from drawings or pattern pieces, so someone with that skill set would be ideal. Email Mike.
Donations to Fund the Restoration Happily Accepted
The restoration of this B-17E is entirely a grass-roots effort. More time has been spent on the airplane than creating a slick fundraising campaign. Still, donations are always needed and welcome. If you choose to donate below, note that the donations are to William Stanczak…he is the treasurer of the Desert Rat group and all funds donated go directly to the PayPal account that supports the restoration effort. Every dollar donated will buy raw materials and parts for B-17E 41-2595.
As a personal note, neither I (Scott Thompson) nor Aero Vintage Books is connected to the Desert Rat restoration effort in any way other than to say that I have watched this group over the span of thirty years. I can also say without reservation that Mike Kellner and his team are completely dedicated to getting this airplane back in the air.
Why not consider setting up a regular monthly donation amount…say the equivalent of two cups of coffee ($10) that automatically goes to fund the restoration? I’m on board with this donation effort, and if we get a 100 dudes and dudettes to do so, that provides a much-needed steady income stream of $1,000 per month to buy some of the necessary widgets, rivets, aluminum, plexiglass, and all the other flotsam to keep this project moving.<