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Dry Martini and The Cocktail Kids - Help!

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:21 am
by DryMartini

Funny things happen on the internet.

A person contacted me on Facebook regarding my forum name,
wondering if I had nay connection to the B-17 "Dry Martini".

Turns out they are the nephew of the original tail gunner.
He sent me some pictures of the plane and crew I had never
seen before. I'd like to find out more for the family.
(I'll see if it is OK with them to post the picture - I don't
want to overstep my bounds)

Can anyone help me regarding the data card from:
B-17F 42-5156 "Dry Martini and The Cocktail Kids"

Or personnel records for:
Henry Mitchell - KIA 1943
