I just added the individual aircraft histories of the six P-40s that were associated with Paul Mantz, Frank Tallman, and/or Tallmantz Aviation though the years. The main two P-40s, and the ones usually associated with the company, were TP-40N 44-47923 (N923) and P-40E AL152 (N1207V).

The other four P-40s also had ties to Mantz or Tallman, though they are a bit more obscure. My plan is to slowly, albeit very slowly, flesh out the history of the various aircraft that the company operated, and hope to add to the people that were involved also. Unfortunately, itsĀ  four decades since this company was active and really 60 years since most of the interesting activity was occurring. Nonetheless, little gems keep popping up, so I’ll keep adding them into the site as they get uncovered. Meanwhile, I hope readers find the history of the Tallmantz P-40s of some interest.