Book Review Posted

Just posted on the Review page a book review on Jan Forsgren’s excellent new (well, 2019) book The Boeing B-17 in Foreign Service. I had this book on my “to review” list for a year, and coming up right behind it is a review of David Gransz’s three volume (for now) series on Boeing production

Update on the Site

Obviously…I have not updated these posts in some time…and in that time much has changed. The B-17G known asĀ 909 crashed in October 2019 with the tragic loss of life of both crew and passengers. Since that time, all B-17 touring has been effectively stopped. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and FAA scrutiny on the Living History

Welcome to the Aero Vintage Blog

Welcome to the new Aero Vintage blog. This is an attempt to streamline the process that I, the webmaster, has used to post relevant photos and information on items that should be of interest to those who visit this site. In particular, this blog will replace the B-17 News and B-25 News pages. A different