Miss Angela gets polished

[siteorigin_widget class=”shuttle_builder_imagetheme”][/siteorigin_widget] Greg Strathatos and B-17 Archaeology  spent a week this month doing a beautiful polish of B-17G 44-85778 (N3509G) at the Palm Springs Air Museum. Marked as Miss Angela, this B-17 is in excellent condition (though not currently flying) and it is now that much better after the B-17 Archaeology group finished its work.

Reevers B-25 Coming Up For Sale?

TB-25K 44-31508 (ex-N6578D) is going to be put up for sale, according to a Reevers Facebook posting. This is the B-25 used to film Battle of Britain in 1969. It has had a checkered history through the years and went to the Reevers group in Australia in 2015 after it had sat at an airport

B-25 “El Jarocho” NL75831

[siteorigin_widget class=”shuttle_builder_imagetheme”][/siteorigin_widget] Going through some photos I came across this one of an early civil B-25 and early production B-25. This is actually the third B-25 built by North American at its Inglewood plant, this being B-25-NA 40-2168. It was delivered to the Army Air Corps on February 25, 1941, and assigned to the 17th

Desert Rat Update

James Church, he of the great Warbirds Digest magazine, recently sent me some photos taken in January 2019 of the restoration effort underway at Marengo, Illinois, of B-17E 41-2595. This very-long term restoration effort, headed by Mike Kellner, is making slow but steady progress. There is also an Aero Vintage Forum topic on this restoration

Welcome to the Aero Vintage Blog

Welcome to the new Aero Vintage blog. This is an attempt to streamline the process that I, the webmaster, has used to post relevant photos and information on items that should be of interest to those who visit this site. In particular, this blog will replace the B-17 News and B-25 News pages. A different