Odds and Ends
P-51 racer Precious Metal:
Information primarily coming from the Aerial Visuals website suggests that the basis of the Whittington Brothers-developed racer, N6WJ and flown as Precious Metal, was built up around a derelict P-51 forward fuselage and center section that once was an MGM Studio film prop. According the Aerial Visuals webpage on this aircraft, that fuselage and center section was obtained from Tallmantz Aviation.
After 1988, it was incorporated with an unknown set of wings, a P-51H tail section, and a Rolls-Royce Griffon engine to become a competitive air racer that flew at the Reno National Championship Air Races beginning in 1988. The identity of the P-51 fuselage and center section as obtained from Tallmantz remain unknown. No other information from Tallmantz files have surfaced.
Notes on Lafayette Escadrille (1958) filming
This was the first known film project that Frank Tallman participated in. The aerial work was mostly filmed at the airport at Santa Maria, California, in October and November 1956.
There are a number sources out there that state that Paul Mantz was involved, some say deeply involved, in the filming of Lafayette Escadrille. Contrary to those sources, I have not found any reliable sources that show Mantz had any involvement in the film. Just the fact that Frank Tallman was given the aerial coordiantor credit is indicative of Mantz’s non-involvement.
Also, I think there is much incorrect information out there about what aircraft were used in the filming. The listing below is a best-researched listing that is supported by some solid sources.
Aircraft used
- Sopwith Camel: (Tallman) msn 3, N6254
- Lincoln LF-1: (Tallman) msn 3, N12237
- Replica Fokker D VII: (Tallman) modified Travelair 2000-T, msn 707, N6268 (as per Bowers)
- Thomas Morse Scout S4-B: (Dwight Woodward) msn 153, N74W
- Bleriot XI: (Tallman) replica msn 1, N6683C
- Bleriot XI: (Harry Provolt) N1398N (later, N4W)
- Bleriot XI: unverified and unidentified but possibly Cole Palen’s msn 56, N60094
- Bleriot Penguin (non flying either 4 or 5 in number) replicas (Cole Palen); Orriss reports four, Aviation Weekly reports five)
- 3 replica Fokkers: (Tallman) only reported by Bowers as Travelair 4000 dusters with modified cowlings and painted red
- Curtiss-Wright Jr.: (Tallman) msn 1145, N10967 (as camera ship)
- NAA Navion: (Tallman) reported by Orriss, not identified or verified (as camera ship)
- Frank Tallman
- Dwight Woodward
- Harry Prevolt
- Paul Franklin (reported by Bruce Orriss)
Odd Notes
- Pilots Woodward and Provolt had airplanes used for the filming. Orriss states that aircraft were gathered from Weeks, Provolt, and Cole Palen
- Beck reports an SE.5a…no other reports or indications
- Weeks, E.D., “Bleriots-Past and Present” AAHS Journal, Summer 1963
- Strnad, Frank, “The Counterfeit Camel: Thomas-Morse Scouts in the Movies,” AAHS Journal, Summer 1969
- “Historic Aircraft Bring Profit in Film,” Aviation Week, Aigiust 19, 1957. (Tallman and fleet)
- Fisk, Gary, “A Survey of Antique and Replica Aircraft Owners in California, 1959,” AAHS Journal, 1960(?), p. 166 (info on Provolt Bleriot)
- Bowers, Peter, “The Travel Air Biplanes 1925-1930,” AAHS Journal, Fall 1998.
- Beck, Simon, “The Aircraft-Spotter’s Film and Television Companion,” 2016
- Orriss, Bruce, “When Hollywood Ruled the Skies, Volume 1,”