Other Great Aviation Sites
See our pages of dedicated B-17 Links and B-25 Links.
- Fly Past magazine
- Warbird Information Exchange
- Wreckchasing
General Links
- Accident-Report.com: An excellent site that provides research resources for military records, including those for crewmembers, units, and aircraft.
- Aerofiles: The premier source of American aircraft data, including specifications and registration information, and more.
- Airic's Aviation Photography From Ontario and Northeastern States: Eric Dumigan's personal site loaded with vintage aviation photography.
- Airmen.Com: A website offering a large listing of aviation links and a special email address for pilots.
- Airliners.Net: A site dedicated primarily to airline photos but many many vintage aircraft types also. Excellent selection of varied photos.
- Airline Crash Database: Perhaps a bit morbid, but an excellent database source for commercial crash information dating to 1920.
- Aircraft Fotoimages: A selection of aircraft photos for sale; also, an aircraft identification quiz.
- American Aviation Historical Society: The site for the historical society and its excellent Journal.
- Association of Transport Photographers and Historians: A source for classic black and white photos of world-wide aviation subjects, with over 300,000 images on file.
- Aviation Archeology Investigation and Research: A nice site devoted to aviation archeology, including many crash site details and research tools.
- Joe Baugher's Home Page: An excellent military aircraft serial number resource with other "goodies."
- Check-Six: A site offering unique collectibles and history. Also, information about some California crash sites, an Aero Store, news, and a pilot's lounge with some interesting material.
- Classic Wings: One of the best warbird magazines around, concentrating on the New Zealand and 'down under' scene but stuff about 'up over' also. Good book reviews, too.
- Eagle Field: Site for the historical Eagle Field Museum located at Los Banos, California.
- EAA: Web site for the Experimental Aircraft Association.
- Flight Training Field Fuselage Codes of World War II: A fascinating research project into a relatively obscure topic.
- FlyPast Magazine: One of the best vintage aviation magazines available.
- Great Aviation Quotes: Dave English's collection of aviation and space related quotations.
- Landings: One of the most comphrensive aviation sites, including search engines and current news.
- MAPS Air Museum: Site for the Military Aviation Preservation Society (MAPS) and their growing museum at the Akron-Canton Regional Airport in Ohio.
- Model Aces: Professionally built scale model airplane replicas. Specializing in WWII military aircraft - 1/32 and 1/48 scale - these museum display quality models have outstanding detail.
- "Navy VP"-U.S. Navy Patrol Squadrons: Dedicated to the men and women of the United States Navy flying "ASW" (VP/VPB) Patrol Aircraft (past and present). Now even has some material about the PB-1W. Great site.
- Pilots-log.com: Podcasts and good stuff about airshows and airplanes.
- Pilot Portal: Pilot Weather Briefing, Flight Schools USA, Aviation Directory.
- Procockpits.Com: Advance flight concepts for the General Aviation pilot.
- Prop-Liners of America: Site for Prop-Liners of America, a volunteer organization to promote the restoration, exhibition and display of propeller driven airliners at airshows and open houses throughout the continental United States.
- Twin Beech.com: For all those fans of the good old Twin Beech, a.k.a Beech 18, C-45, SNB, etc. Based at Stockton, California, the company is actually more than just Twin Beeches but that's a good place to start. Also, information about a Central California vintage group, the World War II Warbird group that meets every other month.
- UK Airport News: uk-airport-news.info is the UK's first and only complete UK airport news website.
- US Warplanes.net: A reference guide to the designations and serial numbers of the definitive World War II, post World War II and present day aircraft of the US Armed Forces, by Simon Beck.
- Warbird Digest: Homepage of a great new quarterly aviation journal dedicated to the world of warbirds.
- The Willie Victor Page: A site dedicated to the Lockheed WV-1 Warning Star.
- Wreckchasing: An interesting site dedicated to the art of Wreck Chasing-researching and locating old aircraft crash sites, with books and other resources available (Yo, Nick!).
- X-Planes: Site of HPM Publications, specializing in the documentation of experimental aircraft, from the X-2 to the Soviet Space Shuttle.
(Links updated on June 8, 2014)
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